Barista lifestyle


Hey this is Ahmed  , a head barista at space Cafe jinja Uganda 

Before applying for the role i studied the job description ,i have

 the skills qualities and tributes to excel in the role .also a barista

 championship of Uganda for the Aeropress challenge 2022. I do

 Calibrations, manual brewing, latte art ,smoothie blends, customer 

interactions & espresso machine maintenance .Am a great communicator , 

a sole team worker and collaborator 

. I take ownership of problems and challenges and always seek ways to help

 grow .I would love to increase on my area of expertise  about coffee , would love 

to go future in the coffee industry and also  be empowered to become the

 best  version of my self am so passionate about my work 

Skills & Attributes 


Latte art

Customer service interaction

Manual Brewing (Aeropress ,French press, Che mix & V60)


Espresso machine maintenance



 Am passionate about delivering high quality customer service and care 

i have ability to deal with and resolve customer complaints quickly and efficiently

Am able to communicate effectively when dealing with either customers and company stakeholders

I am flexible and i can work unsociable hours as when required and i am also loyal and 

hard working person who understands how important the customer service role is for the

success of your company


Work showcase













The Aeropress is a piston-style brewer that forces coffee through a thin paper filter directly into a cup. It brews just a single serving of coffee at a time, but its size and durability make it a favorite device among travelers and campers.

Make Delicious Coffee with These 3 Simple Steps

Diagram of adding coffee grounds and water to AeroPress chamber

2)  Stir and brew in 10-30 seconds

Diagram of hand pressing AeroPress plunger

Brewing Basics

If you’re new to brewing, keep these tips in mind to make your perfect cup:

◾  Press gently 

Pressing too fast or with too much force compacts the coffee grounds, making it harder to press into your mug 

◾  Grind size

If the water is running through too fast, your grind is too coarse

◾  Trust your taste 

Rather than focusing on brewing in the “right” way, prioritize finding a method that makes coffee you love. If it tastes good, you’re doing it right!

My Aeropress Recipes

Ahmed Barista 


Grind size

Medium coarse  

18g coffee 

amount of H20 = 220

Time = 3min

Method inverted 

Temperature 89


20g coffee 

medium coarse 

Amount of water 250

Duration 3min brew time

Method Inverted 

Temp 89



Medium fine

200g  of H20

Time =3min

Method inverted 

Temp 92


#2 & #4 suit a different purpose - easier-drinking, mellower flavours overall. If you're not looking for an intense hit, these will be a better option. Then it's just a choice of coffee - do you want chocolatey, smooth character, or a fruity and zesty drink?

This was just a little fun for us at Space cafe Coffee 

Beautiful show case pouring the aeropress cup of coffee

TIP: Try to smell only for 1-2 seconds when evaluating the aroma of a cup of coffee, and wait 5-20 seconds before you smell again!
TIP: Ask a friend to cover different food products and try to detect the smell.

Our tongue is covered with papillae, which are the bumps that you can see on your tongue. Each of these papilla contain multiple taste buds that are filled with gustatory – or taste – cells. The tip of each gustatory cell, that protrudes through a pore on the surface of the tongue, is covered with receptors for the basic tastes. You can imagine these receptors as keyholes.

The outdated tongue map.

      For example, when a matching key (i.e. a basic taste) reaches the keyhole for that specific taste, a signal is sent to the brain that we are eating some- thing that corresponds to one or more of the five basic tastes such as bitter (Chaudhari & Roper, 2010). We are able to detect all basic tastes across the whole tongue, which challenges the outmoded representation of the tongue map in the illustration above.


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